SECTION: Life Science
Novosibirsk State University
«Poster report»
A.G. Ogienko, E.G. Bogdanova, E.V. Boldyreva, S.A. Myz, A.A. Ogienko, Yu.E. Kovalenko, B.A. Kolesov, V.A. Drebushchak, N.A. Trofimov, A.A. Krasnikov, A.V. Ildyakov, A.Yu. Manakov, V.V. Boldyrev
Ogienko Andrey G.
Development of inhaled dry-powder formulations by novel particle engineering technology. freeze-drying of APIs solution in systems with clathrate formation

Large porous particles, which are generally produced via spray drying technology, are becoming increasingly popular as carriers for pulmonary drug delivery for local and systemic applications [1 - 3]. These systems have high geometric diameters (5-30 mm) but low mass density (~0.4-0.1 g/cm3 or less), so that the aerodynamic diameter remains low (1-5 mm). Recently, we proposed an alternative method of producing novel improved forms of APIs based on spray-freeze drying of API solutions in “volatile organic liquid – water” systems [4, 5] giving clathrate hydrates [6] at low temperatures. In vitro tests by Anderson Cascade Impactor indicated that formulations of salbutamol and budesonide exhibited significantly higher fine particle fractions of 59,0% and 51,5% compared to the known behavior of nano-salbutamol sulphate blends (45,2%), micronized salbutamol sulfate blends (31,3%), and DPI budesonide formulation (19 %), respectively [7, 8]. Besides, as the value of the fine particle fraction also is strongly dependent on the construction of the device, we suppose that employment of high-precision DPIs [3, 9, 10] would increase the amount of this fraction of the composition. Herein we present a novel dry powder inhaler formulation design using molecular-level encapsulation of an API in a large porous composite matrix. This approach can be used to incorporate low-dosage drugs in a matrix (as an alternative to the PulmoSphereTM technology [3, 11, 12]) to achieve specific pulmonary drug deposition.

  1. Edwards, DA, Hanes, J, Caponetti, G, Hrkach, J, BenJebria, A, Eskew, ML, Mintzes, J, Deaver, D, Lotan, N, Langer, R: Large porous particles for pulmonary drug delivery. Science 1997, 276(5320):1868-1871.

  2. Dunbar, C, Scheuch, G, Sommerer, K, DeLong, M, Verma, A, Batycky, R: In vitro and in vivo dose delivery characteristics of large porous particles for inhalation. Int J Pharm 2002, 245:179-189.

  3. Newman, SP: Dry powder inhalers for optimal drug delivery. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2004, 4(1):23-33.

  4. Ogienko, АG, Boldyreva, ЕV, Manakov, АYu, Myz, SA, Ogienko, АА, Yunoshev, АS, Zevak, EG, Kutaev, NV, Krasnikov, AA: Preparation of fine powders of pharmaceutical substances by freeze-drying of frozen solutions in systems with clathrate formation. DoklPhysChem 2012, 444:88-92.

  5. А., Манаков А.Ю., Болдырев В.В. «Дизайн нанокомпозитовсальбутамол/глицин для ингаляционной терапии: лекарственная форма нового поколения без использования хладонов» // Нанотехнологии и охрана здоровья. 2013., №3, с.30-43.

  6. Dyadin, YuA, Bondaryuk, IV, Zhurko, FV: Clathrate hydrates at high pressures. In: Inclusion compounds. V.5, Edited by: Atwood, JL, Davies, JED, MacNicol, DD. OxfordUniversityPress, Oxford: 1991: 214–275.

  7. Bhavna, Ahmad, FJ, Mittal, G, Jain, GK, Malhotra, G, Khar, RK, Bhatnagar, A: Nano-salbutamol dry powder inhalation: A new approach for treating broncho-constrictive conditions. Eur J PharmBiopharm 2009, 71(2):282-291.

  8. Кундоба Д.А., Прокопов И.А., Хомутова Е.Г., Багирова В.Л. Исследование аэродинамических характеристик порошков с будесонидом для ингаляций // Фармация. 2011. Том 7. С. 36-39

  9. Zhang, X, Ma, Y, Zhang, L, Zhu, J, Jin, F: The development of a novel dry powder inhaler. Int J Pharm 2012, 431:45-52.

  10. Islam, N, Gladki, E: Dry powder inhalers (DPIs) - A review of device reliability and innovation. Int J Pharm 2008, 360:1-11

  11. Dellamary, LA, Tarara, TE, Smith, DJ, Woelk, CH, Adractas, A, Costello, ML, Gill, H, Weers, JG: Hollow Porous Particles in Metered Dose Inhalers. PharmRes 2000, 17(2):168-174.

  12. Geller, DE, Weers, J, Heuerding, S: Development of an Inhaled Dry-Powder Formulation of Tobramycin Using PulmoSphere (TM) Technology. J AerosolMedPulmDrugDeliv 2011, 24(4):175-182.