SECTION: Mechanics and engineering. Energy
Saint Petersburg State University
«Oral report»
Ruslan Z. Valiev
Ruslan Z. Valiev
Mechanics of bulk nanostructured materials for innovation applications in engineering and medicine

In recent years the development of bulk nanostructured metallic materials has become one of the most topical directions in modern materials science. Nanostructuring of metals and alloys paves the way to obtaining unusual properties that are very attractive for innovative applications. In this research topic, the use of severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques attracts special attention since it offers opportunities for developing new technologies of fabrication of bulk nanostructured materials for different innovation applications [1, 2]. The latter subject has become an objective of the project being realized at Saint-Petersburg State University under supervision of the Author hereof and supported by the Russian Federation government grant as of June 2013 (Resolution 220). The new laboratory is focused on the development of fundamental mechanics of nanomaterials, elaboration of scientific principles for fabrication of new bulk metallic nanomaterials with superior mechanical properties and their innovative applications in structural and medical engineering fields.

The important scientific principle underlying the enhancement of properties in nanostructured materials is tailoring of grain boundary structure in such materials, i.e. the so-called grain boundary engineering of nanomaterials that makes it possible to fundamentally change their properties through the formation of various types of grain boundaries (low- and high-angle, special and random, equilibrium and non-equilibrium, as well as with grain boundary segregations and precipitations) by varying the regimes of severe plastic deformation (temperature, strain rate and degree). The research activities in this area are conducted in close contact with SPSU resource centers and also involve significant international cooperation.

Large innovation potential of bulk nanomaterials also comes into view, and the present report considers a number of such innovation developments. In particular, the formation of nanostructures in Ti and its alloys provides considerable enhancement of mechanical and biochemical properties for advanced medical applications, including the construction of new generation implants with improved design and higher osseointegration. The achievements and problems of innovation developments in the laboratory are considered in the present report.


1. R.Z. Valiev, Nanostructuring of Metals by Severe Plastic Deformation for Advanced Properties, Nature Materials, Vol. 3, pp. 511-516 (2004)

2. R.Z. Valiev, A.P. Zhilyaev, T.G. Langdon, Bulk Nanostructured Materials: Fundamnetals and Applications, 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.